Vicki Anne Burkitt



Victoria Anne Truitt,

My wife Vicki was an amazing person, She was the most selfless person Ive met. Vicki was a great kid, raised by a great family in a seventh-day Adventist (SDA) setting. At a young age Vicki wanted to be a nurse and to help people, she made this goal to become a nurse, get married, have 3 children and to raise her children at home until they get older then to return as an RN. Vicki started to prepare for her nursing career at a young age by taking school very seriously and donating her time when she could at local hospitals. Vicki graduated from high school as Valley Victorian and quickly went into college at a private university called La Sierra, an SDA private University. Vicki worked hard to get accepted to Loma Linda University to secure her BSN. LLU is one of the best nursing schools in the states, she was always so proud to go to school there, unfortunately she also passed away there at 26.

In her later years Vicky decided to start looking for someone to spend her life with, luckily we met (I’ll get into this more in an other post).

Im my time with Vicki I got to see how special of a woman, partner, and mother she was. We never raise our voices at each other, she never got mad at anyone, we had the same goals in life with family and financially, she was really an amazing woman. She didn’t have many possessions, when I would tell her to take some money and go do something for herself she would always say “I don’t need anything else, I’ve got my children and you” I pretty much had to force her to use an iPad, lol, she quickly became accustomed to it ;D. She was faithful, sweet, honest, loving, and the greatest person i’ve met. I miss her so much, I love her so much, words just can’t explain it.

I love you Vicki, I never imagined living my life without you. I will raise our kids as you wished and never let them forget you. I will be the happiest man in the world if at least one of our children get your heart.